How One Awesome Business Book Could Change Your Life


Have you ever read the business book 80/20 Sales & Marketing by Perry Marshall?

Well, it inspired me to write this post for you…

A few days ago one of my best friends was telling me about his son Kyle having Chicken Pox.

(The little man will be only 3 years old next Friday – bless him).

I can well remember my bout of chicken pox at the tender age of 7 and it wasn’t pretty.

Well, as much as my friend thought everything was fine with Kyle’s recovery, he took a turn for the worst on Friday, last week.

He started breathing really rapidly, developed a nasty cough, and was running a very high temperature.

After waiting 3 hours to be seen in a hospital…

… relaying the same conversation to 5 different consultants – each of ’em listening to his chest – and having an Xray, they weren’t happy with the image of his lungs.

They’re weren’t 100% sure what it was, but my friend’s fears of Pneumonia or other complications from the Chicken Pox virus were immediately relieved.

One search on Google last week made him realise just how dangerous Chicken Pox can really be.

He had no idea.

Long story short, though … he’s home now with some medication, and his breathing – after 3 days – is back to normal.  Thank god…

From a completely drowsy, fed up state – he’s back to himself today.

Causing mayhem around the house I hear…

That’s the Kyle we know and love…

Still got a slight cough, but it doesn’t seem to be bothering him.

He sure did give my best friend a scare, though.


On to why I’m emailing you today:

Have you ever wondered…

How can I stay so fit so I have never had a day off work in over 20 years?

How can I stay focused and have so much energy to run two businesses at over 100 hours per week?

Teach almost full time?

Get to the gym at least 5 times per week?

Wrote 4 books this year?

How do I have so much energy to do so much?

And a whole lot more I haven’t told you about here…

Do I outsource the work I don’t want to do?

Yes, some of it…

But most I do myself?

Sure my wife helps me out a ton too…

So how about you?

Do you have this much energy?

I bet you don’t…

Most people don’t…so don’t beat yourself up about it…

After 40 or 50 hours in the office, they are smoke!!

Wouldn’t you love to have even 10% more energy per day?

How about 20% more energy?

What would you do differently with 30% more energy?

Would you write that book you’ve always dreamed of?

Would you finally have the energy to get to the gym and burn off that extra fat that’s been accumulating while you crash out on the sofa every evening?

Or would you start that part-time business with your extra energy so you have more money to do the things you really want in life?

What do I attribute so much energy to…?

What is my secret for staying healthy?


That’s not completely it…

I also try not to touch door handles in public places, hand rails, bannisters, buttons in the lift…

Anywhere that people who use toilet paper (and don’t wash their hands properly) will touch…

Plus I make sure I wash my hands a lot more than the average guy…

Look, you might think I’m going over-board…

But my system works a treat!!

  • Use Shattaf bidet sprayer instead of toilet paper
  • Wash your hands more often
  • Avoid surfaces which toilet paper users have touched…

If you want the 80/20 of Personal Hygiene, the 20% that leads to 80% of your results…

Then you’ll want to check out my Irresistible Bum Gun Offer before the 12th December…

Click either link below and make 2017 Your Best Year Ever for You and All Your Family…

“What would you do differently with 30% more energy?”

I look forward to taking care of your bidet sprayer needs!

Dedicated to improving hygiene,

Greg Noland

Founder, CEO & Author

Shattaf Bidet Sprayers Ltd


P.S – If you’d like to find out about my Irresistible Offer for the Shattaf Bidet Sprayer, please click HERE.

PPS – And remember our bidet sprayers have 5 year warranties because they are built to last unlike the cheap and nasty sprayers you’ll find on amazon.


The Environmental Footprint of Toilet Paper


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Common Misconceptions and Misunderstandings

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