Day One: Introduction to the Shattaf Bidet Sprayer Misconceptions


Hi, hello and G’day and Welcome to Day One

Oh the times, they are a changing!

I want to get straight into this introduction because it’s kind of stressing me out…

I’ve been writing and rewriting this introduction for days.

Whatever I come up with just doesn’t seem to show the importance of what I’m going to help you discover today.

It makes me feel I’m doing a disservice to you, and by doing so could potentially restrict you from discovering the importance of this crucial life changing device.

So please accept my apologies where they are due.

But please read until the end of this blog post because what you’re about to learn is worth its weight in gold.

Your family’s health & well-being are paramount…

You deserve the best, right?

I promise not to take up too much of your time and if you stick with me you’ll be glad you did.

This whole blog series on the Shattaf Bidet Sprayer is vital to you, but if this introduction doesn’t grab your attention then you’ll miss this golden, once in a lifetime opportunity to transform your life.


I just feel this introduction is just too important to get wrong.

If I fail and can’t encourage you to read to the end of this intro…

I’ve essentially done you a disservice.

Therefore, I essentially have a huge responsibility to get this right for you.

So let’s crack on together…

“A United States Senate report recently showed us that we’re malnourished no matter how much food we eat because our food does not contain the nutrients it should. ”

We can’t get away from the fact that our lives are more and more affected by poor health choices and a rapidly changing world.

To give you an example, a United States Senate report recently showed us that we’re malnourished no matter how much food we eat because our food does not contain the nutrients it should.

This is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 90% of American people are deficient in these minerals.

Also, that a marked deficiency in any one of these important minerals could actually result in disease.

Did you know that spinach, so often thought of as a ‘super food’ is far from the super provider it once was?

In 1940 – it had 158mgm of iron

In 1965 – it had 27 mgm

Today – it has a mere 2.2mgm

“90% of Americans are deficient in essential minerals”

So don’t you think facts like this can affect your health?

Also, bear in mind cancer is the number 2 killer in the United States. And a leading cause of death for women aged between 40 and 55.

In 1940 – 1 in 20 women were at risk of breast cancer

Today – 1 in 8 women are at risk

Men aren’t getting off lightly either…

The National Cancer Institute reports a 126% increase in prostate cancer among men in the last few decades alone.

Worrying is that this number is increasing by 1% a year, and currently there are 1.7 million new cases every year.

I think you’ll agree that being concerned about our health and nutrition has never been more important.


You might think I’m being over dramatic at this point, over sensational.

But look…

I know how important this is to you, to your family, to humanity and to the environment.

But what’s this got to do with the Shattaf Bidet Sprayer?

I’m glad you asked!

There are not many inventions in a person’s lifetime which truly have the potential to shatter the status quo and have the ability to transform the quality of your life and for so many people you love.

You might also think ‘humanity’ is another stab at being dramatic. But I’d appreciate the opportunity to show you by the end of this blog series how important this is to your life.

Ok, that’s all for Day One, you can continue to Day Two by Clicking HERE or on the image below.

See you tomorrow…

Dedicated to improving hygiene,

Greg Noland

Founder, CEO & Author

Shattaf Bidet Sprayers Ltd

P.S – If you’d like to find out about my Irresistible Offers for the Shattaf Bidet Sprayer, please click HERE.


Introduction to the Shattaf Bidet Sprayer Misconceptions


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