Personal hygiene & cleanliness
Stainless steel shower sprayers
They think if we contaminate water, then the earth’s filtration system will filter that water and the end result is clean usable water.
Do you think this is true?
Is the water we are using today the same water that was used by the first people on earth?
Can we just use, ‘waste’ water however we feel like, and it’ll just come back to use when we need it?
I don’t think so…
I think we should always be looking for ways to use less water / waste less.
Here is one simple idea I discovered a few years back which I want to share with you…

A few years back I was in the shower when it suddenly hit me…
While I was lathering up my shampoo I realized the shower was on full blast and the water was just streaming down the plug hole.
It hit me that this was a pathetic waste of an important and valuable resource…
Yes, you need to wet your body and hair when you jump in the shower.
But on average it must take at least 1-2 minutes to lather soap in your hair, and over your body. Right?
Why does the water need to be running while you do this?
So this gave me the idea to run a little experiment…
We found over a week that my average shower lasted about 4.5 minutes. And approximately 1.2 minutes was spent rinsing on and off.
This means the shower was running needlessly for 3.3 minutes.
So I tested the flow rate in my shower and found the pressure is running at about 4.5 litres per minute, which is a lot less than the average it seems.
But that still equals approximately 15 litres of water wasted down the plug hole while I’m lathering up…
That’s almost double the time I spend in the shower. And almost double the flow rate.
Perhaps my crude measurement of my flow rate was wrong, and the pressure really was 7.9 litres per minute.
Then those 3.3 minutes lathering up wasted 26 litres.
So between 15 and 26 litres of water wasted every shower…
And seen as though I take on average 3 showers per day…
The water ‘wasted’ over a year would equal somewhere in the region of 16,425 to 28,470 litres wasted.
Then there is my wife, so let’s double that: 32,850 to 56,940 litres wasted water just while lathering up. But in fact my wife takes longer as she has long hair, but you get the idea.
Now, I should say SAVED not WASTED because I did this experiment about 3 years ago.
And since then my wife and I always turn off the shower when lathering up.
So we’ve probably saved in the region of 170,820 litres in just 3 years, just from one water saving idea.
How many showers does your family take in one year?
How much water could your family save in one year just by adopting this VERY simple water saving idea?
I think you can see from this very simple exercise that you can save a lot of water in your household by educating and encouraging all your family to turn off the shower while lathering up.
Something to think about, right?

Dedicated to improving hygiene,
Greg Noland
Founder, CEO & Author
The Fresh Wand
P.S – If you’d like to find out about my Irresistible Offer for The Fresh Wand Bidet Sprayer, please click HERE.